Happy and Healthy 2013!

New Year New Habits source:lafitness.com The start of January brings with it bold declarations about what’s going to be different in the coming year. So what was your new year’s resolution? Are you still on it? I read a post on Facebook which said “I wish to open a place called ‘Resolutions’ which will be a gym till 31st Jan and later will be turned into a bar, that’s called money making business”. Resolutions are self made promises and often ‘I wish …’ statements, some do take them seriously but for many they are meant to be broken. For a…

Coconut Macaroons

It was a cold winter day and we were driving pass Santa Cruz mountains. I was craving for cappuccino while S wanted an oven fresh pizza. Before I could realize he had parked in front of Domino’s. Since pizza doesn’t really fit into my ‘fat-friendly’ list, I started exploring other options. I saw this small bakery shop which looked very inviting. The smell of fresh bread was very tempting. While I was still deciding the owner brought out a tray full of coconut macaroons just out of oven. He dipped one macaroon in chocolate and insisted me to try. That…

liebster blog award

MyHomeMantra receives two Liebster awards :)

This was truly a special week for MyHomeMantra. My Tiramisu picture received a compliment from Serena Palumbo, born and raised in Italy, she was a contestant in Next Food Network Star season 6. I was very happy to see an Italian chef liking my Tiramisu. It was as good as winning an award. On a very next day to my surprise, I did win a very precious blogging award – the Liebster award. I am proud to receive the award twice by two lovely  bloggers – Preeti and Janani whom I really admire for their wonderful blogs and amazing recipes. Thank you ladies! Liebster…