Blackberry Smoothie

Nutritious yet delicious delight

The easiest way to enjoy fresh blackberries is to have thick creamy blackberry smoothie. Add fresh washed blackberries with thick greek yogurt, honey and some milk and give it a quick whisk in a blender. Nothing can be more filling than a glass of sweet creamy blackberry smoothie loaded with antioxidants.


Blackberry Benefits –
1. Blackberries are one of the top ten foods containing antioxidants. The anthocyanin, the antioxidants give blackberries their deep purple color help in memory retention and prevent the risk of hypertension.
2. Blackberries are packed with polyphenols helping to prevent cancer and heart disease.
3. Blackberries are said to strengthen blood vessels, help fight heart disease
4. The high tannin content of blackberries help tighten tissue, relieve intestinal inflammation, and help reduce hemorrhoids and stomach disorders.
5. The high fiber content of blackberries help reduce risk of intestinal disease and the risk of developing diabetes.

Off to Radhika’s Chilled Delights, Tomato Blues Summer Spirits, Preeti’s Jump n Jive


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