5 Effective Ayurvedic practices to boost immunity in kids naturally

5 Effective Ayurvedic ways to boost immunity in kids naturally

Healthy immune system is something we take for granted, don’t we?

Around this time of the year, cold-cough, flu, ear infections and allergies become common as we transition from warmer summer months to cold, dry fall weather. Ayurveda has a very interesting approach on building immunity and fighting against common respiratory problems and it has given special significance for certain rituals especially during the change of seasons because our bodies are more susceptible during such transitions.

According to ayurveda, strong immunity is a product of good digestion, strong agni (digestive fire), a high functioning liver, and a balanced endocrine system (balanced hormones). In modern terms, this translates to stress-free physically active lifestyle + balanced nutrition + low toxic level = Strong Immune system.

Here are 5 lifestyle changes that you can adopt today to start boosting immune system –

🔥Strengthen digestive fire

Digestion is our doorway for everything that we consume. If digestion is weak, it doesn’t matter if you are feeding the best quality superfoods to your kids, because they won’t be able to assimilate the nutrients and utilize them. So first step is to ensure they have a good digestion and regular elimination. That’s a sign of low toxic levels.

🌿 Balanced nutrition

It’s not just about eating broccoli, carrots and spinach. Having a variety of vegetables from bottle gourd, squash to amaranth leaves, different legumes, different grains, fresh seasonal fruits – is important to maintain a good balanced nutrition and also good gut bacteria, which will also help with digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

🍎 Reduce the toxic overload on liver and kidneys

In other words, reduce intake of processed foods and refined carbs and added sugar. Processed foods are generally loaded with simple carbs and sugar and also contain preservatives and artificial ingredients. For example, replace instant packaged oats or cereals with steel-cut oats cooked at home.

💆‍♀️ A full body massage at least thrice a week

Ayurveda has described “Abhyanga” or self massage with warm oil as the best remedy for pacifying Vata and in turn strengthening immune system. It has many benefits – it improves blood circulation, helps with detoxification and also calms our nervous system. A massage with warm coconut oil or sesame seed oil before taking a bath is our favorite fall ritual!

🌴 Outdoor play and exposure to sunlight

Being outdoors and being in nature is proven to boost our mood which results in secretion of “happy hormones”. This will also help them get vitamin D and much needed physical activity to ensure good quality sleep which is essential for building strong immunity.

If you found this helpful, please share it with your friends too.

Love and Light,
💜 Radhika

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